Saturday, June 9, 2012

Joint Activity

For our joint activity this week we pulled out the volleyball net and the kids enjoyed playing together.  Some of the youth have never played so it was a great chance for them to learn how to in a friendly environment!  They sure are good sports!

Monday, May 14, 2012


A group of our youth were able to drive up to Cumming for the Regional LDS Prom this weekend.  They all looked elegant as can be.  Several others met them up there.  The theme was "An Evening In Central Park".

Monday, April 23, 2012

Youth Hike

 Madison, Taylin, and Jennifer
 Alex, Genevieve, Sara, Jaycee, Taylin, and Jennifer
 They made everyone foil dinners over the smoking camp fire.
 President Bradley and President Jones are always there, cheering on the best YOUTH ever!
 Alex took the plunge to cool off!
That splash is Sara taking a spinning dip!

Young Women's Garden of Faith

This Wednesday, Sis. Knudsen helped the girls plant their own herb gardens.  They planted a variety of herbs that they'll keep on the side of the building and as we attend our meetings, we'll water and tend to them.  Eventually they'll be able to bring them home and share them with their families.

Friday, March 16, 2012


This month the girls spent their time with Sis. White, helping them create tool wraps. Such a great idea! They each had to bring in some fabric and sew it to create their wrap for the tools that they're earning as they accomplish each project. The reward for this one will be their hammer. Again, neat to see each of their personalities come through in their project! It has a place for the two screwdrivers they earned at the end of last year, and the hammer they will get for finishing this project. There will be room for a few more items to add to their tool collection, which can then be put into their hope chests for future use. So proud of the girls and their willingness to learn something new...and wonderful to see them proudly completing it!
We also started working towards Girls Camp with Sis. Giles and Sis. Adams.


We may be able to find photos as proof but we spent all of January building hope chests with the girls. Bro. and Sis. Hollett brought wood and the girls spent one evening hammering nails into them, creating their boxes. Then they spent an evening sanding them. Then they took them home and spray painted them. We had the girls line them with fabric and paint them, and put trim on to make it their own. Most of the girls put their names on them and really made each one of them unique. It was neat to see each one of them create something just for them. By the end, each of the girls had something to help them start "hoping" for their futures and what they will be able to do!

Youth Temple Trip

March 15

We were able to take 30 youth to the Atlanta Temple for baptism. What a treat! They were all so reverent and just enjoying being together in the House Of The Lord. What a neat experience, as a leader, to sit and look at all of them and see the people that they are...and think of the people they are becoming. They were able to do 620+ names and ordinances. We all went to Wendy's's a tradition.