Friday, September 16, 2011

Youth Temple Trip

On Wednesday night, the Youth all took a trip to the Atlanta Temple to do baptisms for the dead. Almost all of our Young Women were in attendance. Though we didn't manage to get any photos, the trip was a wonderful experience for everyone. What a blessing it is to have a temple so close to us and be able to go and perform a marvelous work. They performed 300 baptisms and confirmations all together.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Stake Youth Water Day

If you zoom in really close you can see Taylin making a run for it on that back pool. Notice President Bradley and his sweetheart enjoying the fun.
Skyler bolted for that kiddie pool...
Sarah was sure good at launching those balloons!
Madelyn and Anneka found the cooler full of water balloons and decided to get wet the faster way.
Jessica and Anna were a good pair for the water balloon volleyball...I'm not sure that anyone was successful at keeping any type of score.
Megan and Jessie have rather similar smiles if anyone hasn't noticed before!
Madelyn and Anneka cheesing it up for the camera.

Okay...these are from WAY back...our fun evening at the Wegesend's home

Nope...they're not garden gnomes...don't ya just love those lovely gals?
Chelsea took on a group of the Young Men without breaking a sweat!
The older girls got involved in a fun game with Haven...which soon became a great "teaching moment"
I had more photos but I want you gals to still love me and not all of the photos turned out so GREAT!

These had to be included...I know, I know...we already blogged about Girls Camp!!!

Sariah, Anneka and Taylin stacked up quite a few of these golf balls, though I'm thinking Sariah came home ultimate champion!
Caitlyn was giving last minute goodbyes to our good little Camp friend...who we didn't get to keep by the way!
All of the onlookers as the girls tried the paper plate/empty soda can upside down chandelier build...they had it once they built a good wind block out of bodies.
The cookie shuffle was by far the best...I know some of you would rather these not go down in our history, but some were too precious to forget...Caitlyn couldn't stop laughing long enough to get on with it.
Who could forget Kip...we all knew our Megan was an actress but she pulled this off flawlessly!
Skyler was the host of the show with her million dollar mic.
Come on...who doesn't love this picture???
and Anna's precious struggle...she was so good at this!
Craft time was a hit as we all made some fun camp keepsakes.
Pres. Jones had his hands full with our crew as he walked them through the morning flag ceremony. Once they had it, they had it!
The 2nd years did the shark cheer...our girls led with style.
For rotations, we had to stroll to the other peninsula for some time...each time I'd make the journey I got to enjoy the company of some of our lovely ladies. It was so great to see our gals everywhere I turned.
During quiet times it was nice to just sit and enjoy the scenery...Taylin, Sariah, and Madison.
Sierra was waiting for the foil dinners to finish...they smelled so good on the fire, and we were SOOO hungry!
Our gang thought that if they kept moving, they'd out run the murky only took them an hour to realize it went where they went!
Pres. Jones was thrilled when our girls jumped up to aid him in rallying the troops during the storm.
Before you knew it, they were lifting the spirits and distracting everyone from what was REALLY going on around us.
Team building and family unity was a great class...they had so many wonderful teachers..."if we strengthen our family ties, even Satan cannot break through"...

Girls Camp Required Hike

A quick 5 mile hike...easy right? Every single one of the gals who is in this picture EARNED their hiking certification that day! We took the road less traveled and ended up routing through strenuous terrain in order to find our way back onto the path...which of course, Bishop turned into a rousing lesson on life and staying on the path that leads to happiness.

4 White Dresses

I know that this is an older photo but I found it on my camera and wanted to be sure it was on here for posterity sake.I just wanted to be sure that we captured the beauty of the evening. We're so proud of all of you gals and the goals you set to earn this evening!
We hope that each one of you can set goals to wear all 4 white dresses in your lives.