Thursday, October 27, 2011

Fire Building

We had a great activity last night with Sis. Giles. She taught the fundamentals of building a safe fire, and of course, incorporated delicious treats into the fun! We are going to be SOOOO ready for Girls Camp this year!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Stake Costume Dance

There were a lot of creative costumes...Bro. and Sis. Pendleton were great!
Megan and her Bodyguard!
All of our lovely ladies! Our Ward is always the life of the party at our Stake events and make everyone feel welcome! Thanks for always supporting the activities and being shining lights for others!

Cooking 101

Our last big activity was done in two parts...a week earlier the girls all went to Wal-Mart and purchased all of the ingredients with their $10 budget. This week they put it all together and created a delicious feast! Here are our Laurels ~ flawless in their kitchen skills.
Our Beehives were busy as ever and doing a lovely job. Several of the gals were singed with the sting from the potent onions.
Even the Mia-Maids were defenseless against the burn.
We had a few minutes while the stew was simmering to enjoy the company and practice our song for Sacrament Meeting.

I think the vote was unanimous...these YOUNG WOMEN CAN COOK! It was delicious and now the gals can all claim to be able to cook!